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Story Line For Star Trek Into Darkness | |
Total Vote User Star Trek Into Darkness : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Star Trek Into Darkness : 89 % | |
User Ranting Star Trek Into Darkness : 4.4 | |
User Count Like for Star Trek Into Darkness : 78,686 | |
All Critics Count For Star Trek Into Darkness : 231 | |
All Critics Percentage For Star Trek Into Darkness : 87 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Star Trek Into Darkness : 7.5 | |
Actors For Star Trek Into Darkness | |
Chris Pine,Zachary Quinto,Zoe Saldana,Karl Urban,Simon Pegg,John Cho,Benedict Cumberbatch,Anton Yelchin,Bruce Greenwood,Peter Weller,Alice Eve,Noel Clarke,Nazneen Contractor,Amanda Foreman,Jay Scully,Jonathan Dixon,Aisha Hinds,Joseph Gatt,Jeremy Raymond,Tony Guma | |
Star Trek Into Darkness Movie Review: | |
Most of the logic has leached away from this movie, and with it half of the fun. Anthony Lane-New Yorker Happily, there's a good deal of fun if you like things crashing violently into each other and out of warp-drive at regular intervals. Bob Mondello-NPR For all its chasing and falling and fighting-and the movie supplies a great deal of each-Star Trek Into Darkness is at its best when the Enterprise crew are merely bickering and bantering among themselves: less space opera than soap opera. Christopher Orr-The Atlantic The conceptual sci-fi of the original series is nowhere to be found, though you might enjoy watching the skinny young actors approximate their counterparts from the 60s; Chris Pine is especially good as Captain Kirk. J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader While the action is often electric, it's the relationships that matter. That, and a lippy regard for a cultural legacy. John Anderson-Wall Street Journal The film is, for whatever else it might be, one of the funniest of the Star Trek entries. Mick LaSalle-Hearst Newspapers It feels a little "been there, done that" but it still entertains. Jackie K. Cooper-jackiekcooper.com 'Star Trek' safely does its job and is easily the first must-see action flick of the year. Clay Cane-BET.com Maintaining its reverence for the source material while employing an exuberant and clever script with one heck of a plot twist, Star Trek: Into Darkness is great fun and a more than worthy successor to the excellent first film. Diva Velez-TheDivaReview.com Set phasers for fun with this blockbuster. Michael Smith-Tulsa World Sets its phasers on fun Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit One of the attributes this sequel to the prequel has going for it is a villain whose threat to mankind requires no prosthetics and/or makeup to freeze you in your seat. Jules Brenner-Cinema Signals Very well-made and exciting. Kirk's/Pine's bromance with Spock/out actor Zachary Quinto is further and nicely developed here, and the film's 3D effects are truly special. Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest I like this movie a lot, but the part with the tribble was totally stupid. Bob Grimm-Tucson Weekly ..the epic scale of the action and amazing quality of the visuals, plus the sheer fun of hanging with trusted friends, puts this entry light years ahead of most competing blockbusters, even if intellectually it never leaves space dock. Corey Hall-Metro Times (Detroit, MI) Do we boldly go where no man has gone before? From a plot standpoint, the answer is a resounding no, but that doesn't mean that its is a boring retread of past storylines. It's an energetic, thrilling mash-up of past storylines. Eric Melin-Scene-Stealers.com Action set pieces interrupt with sonic booms, like clockwork, whenever the character development lasts more than a few minutes. Margot Harrison-Seven Days a complex plot that manages to balance character writing with slam-bang action sequences Mark R. Leeper-Mark Leeper's Reviews You don't have to be totally immersed in Trekkie lore to follow "Into Darkness," but a bit of basic Trek 101 would at least shed a little guiding light. Neil Pond-American Profile It's definitely a fun action movie, but I'm ready for these films to boldly go in their own direction, instead of hanging on to the originals. Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review A tribute to excess, but in a good way, sort of. Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope Shiny all over: the explosions (MANY), the destruction (MUCH) and the death toll (HIGH) feel like someone demanded this sequel "take it up a notch." Sara Maria Vizcarrondo-Movies With Butter Abrams works in scenes of friendship, honour, loss and loyalty, but the drama coasts on the emotional legacy of the series rather than creating any of its own heart or warmth. Simon Foster-Screen-Space I was comforted to see a warp drive spacecraft could be kickstarted like a 1912 Buick, and we were treated to not one but two desperate uses of the fabled "manual override." Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press | |
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