Watch Midget Zombie Takeover Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
Posted by Unknown
on Saturday, May 25, 2013
 Watch movie theater Midget Zombie Takeover Movie Online Streaming Megavideo Free The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood's Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities. They fled to Hawaii, leading to their dramatic demise. Years later, former family members surface and the rock band reforms, revealing how their time with Father Yod shaped their lives in the most unexpected ways. (c) Official Site You Can Watch Movie Online Streaming Without Downloading from HERE
Release Date Midget Zombie Takeover: May 3, 2013 Limited Genres Midget Zombie Takeover : Horror,Comedy | |
Story Line For Midget Zombie Takeover |
Total Vote User Midget Zombie Takeover : Visitor |
User Percentage For Midget Zombie Takeover : % |
User Ranting Midget Zombie Takeover : |
User Count Like for Midget Zombie Takeover : |
All Critics Count For Midget Zombie Takeover : 1 |
All Critics Percentage For Midget Zombie Takeover : 1 % |
All Critics Ranting For Midget Zombie Takeover : |
Actors For Midget Zombie Takeover |
Kristi McKay,Matt "Goose" Goosherst,Kedryn Carpenter,Daniel G. Cramer,Cassandra Crawford |
Midget Zombie Takeover Movie Review: |
A horrible movie, an amateurish-looking disaster that makes you wonder if it isn't some kind of in-joke, a stunt to see how bad a movie can be and still find its way into theaters. Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic