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Story Line For Iron Man 3 | |
Total Vote User Iron Man 3 : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Iron Man 3 : 83 % | |
User Ranting Iron Man 3 : 4.1 | |
User Count Like for Iron Man 3 : 145,968 | |
All Critics Count For Iron Man 3 : 263 | |
All Critics Percentage For Iron Man 3 : 78 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Iron Man 3 : 6.9 | |
Actors For Iron Man 3 | |
Robert Downey Jr.,Gwyneth Paltrow,Don Cheadle,Ben Kingsley,Guy Pearce,Rebecca Hall,James Badge Dale,Jon Favreau,Stephanie Szostak | |
Iron Man 3 Movie Review: | |
The trouble is that, as the plot quickens, any cleverness withdraws, to make way for the firecrackers of the climax. That is not Black's forte, and his movie duly slumps into a mess. Anthony Lane-New Yorker Shane Black excels at writing witty, self-referential, pop-infused banter, and there is no actor working today who is better suited to delivering it than Robert Downey Jr. Christopher Orr-The Atlantic Iron Man 3 feels like an exploitative mulching of present-day anxieties. The script is ambitious but not wise enough to be rightfully cathartic. It's more Cuisinart than art. Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post The action, directed by Shane Black, ranges from passable to interminable. Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor Black is good at giving his heroes a morbid, self-hating edge and even better at coming up with hateable villains. David Edelstein-Vulture After a while, the steady diet of tongue-in-cheek starts to taste monotonous as day-old gum. Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail The way Black surrenders the movie's edginess to the generic onslaught of flashy visuals is a mild disappointment. Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune A regression in the usual strong work from Marvel Studios, Iron Man 3 suffers from director Shane Black's mishandling of this popular superhero character. Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews The elements that were once daring are starting to feel statistically approved - and tired. Margot Harrison-Seven Days Terrorist and anxiety attacks prove equally dismaying to Marvel's 'man in a can' in this witty, satisfying sequel. John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) Iron Hot with action Diana Saenger-ReviewExpress.com ... best Iron Man yet thanks to Shane Black, who pushes characterization, clever plot twists, not computer effects ... Downey, for a change, drops his guard, shows the heart beneath the armor Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope It's the funniest superhero film, and it doesn't feel like it's pandering. That's the power of Downey, Jr. and now Shane Black. Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review A palatable entertainment... rests on the strength of the principals Rubin Safaya-Cinemalogue.com Are you sick of superheroes? No, of course you are not, cinema audiences are lapping up any caped crusader movies. But I am, especially when Tony Stark is an angst ridden shambles suffering from performance anxiety. What's so super about that? Brian Henry Martin-UTV Yeah...it's good. Bob Grimm-Reno News and Review We can trust in Tony Stark, even when he's falling apart and can't trust himself. Michael Smith-Tulsa World For anyone familiar with Shane Black's work, it's not long before a strong case of deja vu sets in. David Medsker-Bullz-Eye.com It's nothing but a collection of superhero clichés made marginally palatable by Robert Downey Jr.'s endless charm and charisma. Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger The real enjoyment here comes when Shane Black's sensibilities take over during the middle hour. Garth Franklin-Dark Horizons what it does it does quite well, providing a satisfying sense of escapism while reminding us that such pleasures don't have to be saturated with overkill and completely devoid of relevance James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk Black and Downey put a swell spin of wit into it and, in a time of superhero saturation, take a back seat to no one in reserving marquee space for their guy. Moreover, they leave you wanting more of the same, please. Jules Brenner-Cinema Signals It has the flash and quips to be a good time, if not the heart to be great. Rebecca Cusey-Patheos Iron Man 3 displays no shortage of cocky swagger in-between - and often during - the requisite sequences of high-tech 3-D carnage. Jason Anderson-The Grid Same old tired effects to go along with more Downey smugness. Boo Allen-Denton Record Chronicle (TX) Here, it's not the suit that makes the man; it's the man that makes the suit. And Downey is still the star that keeps it-and this multi-million-dollar movie franchise-roaring and soaring. Neil Pond-American Profile | |
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