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Story Line For The Great Gatsby | |
Total Vote User The Great Gatsby : Visitor | |
User Percentage For The Great Gatsby : 84 % | |
User Ranting The Great Gatsby : 4 | |
User Count Like for The Great Gatsby : 57,054 | |
All Critics Count For The Great Gatsby : 215 | |
All Critics Percentage For The Great Gatsby : 50 % | |
All Critics Ranting For The Great Gatsby : 5.8 | |
Actors For The Great Gatsby | |
Leonardo DiCaprio,Tobey Maguire,Carey Mulligan,Isla Fisher,Joel Edgerton,Elizabeth Debicki,Jason Clarke,Callan McAuliffe,Amitabh Bachchan | |
The Great Gatsby Movie Review: | |
There are no two ways about it: The Great Gatsby is misconceived and misjudged, a crude burlesque on what's probably American literature's most precious jewel. Tom Charity-CNN.com The central problem with Luhrmann's film is that when it's entertaining it's not Gatsby, and when it's Gatsby it's not entertaining. Christopher Orr-The Atlantic The best attempt yet to capture the essence of the novel. Richard Roeper-Richard Roeper.com A failure that should have at least been a magnificent mistake. Connie Ogle-Miami Herald "The Great Gatsby" is a cool movie, in both the positive and negative sense. You may certainly be impressed, but you may not be moved. Tom Long-Detroit News It's a terrific adaptation that succeeds not only as a work of cinema but also, wonderfully, as proof of the novel's greatness. Rick Groen-Globe and Mail Luhrmann understands Fitzgerald's book and brings the writer's classic prose to life on cinematic terms that feel thrilling, visceral and immediate. Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia) Luhrmann's take on perhaps the original American #RichPeopleProblems novel -- about misplaced male ambition and romantic longing, and the perils of female drivers -- is a work of fizzy, surface decadence. Brent Simon-Shared Darkness Luhrmann basically invites us to the world's greatest party, but it's one that slowly sours over the course of the following two hours. Matt Looker-TheShiznit.co.uk Less is not more, more is more. Luhrmann's Great Gatsby embraces this notion as a reflection of its central character, and in this sense at least it is near-on perfect. Chris Laverty-Clothes on Film Luhrmann's greatest trick in "The Great Gatsby" is using the romantic plot - will Daisy choose Jay or Tom - as camouflage to get across Fitzgerald's withering and timely portrait of a society dancing to the edge of disaster. Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune All the CGI-assisted, 3-D sparkle is a wonder to behold, and for a short time it effectively distracts from the inert drama underneath. Corey Hall-Metro Times (Detroit, MI) Luhrmann understandably wants his Gatsby to be great, but he has inadvertently reminded us that the Great American Novel belongs precisely where it was born: on the page. Ed Gibbs-The Age (Australia) Luhrmann makes the most out of what might be considered the text's music video counterpart. Rob Humanick-Projection Booth Baz Luhrmann gives the movie just the right amount of Baz-amatazz! Jackie K. Cooper-jackiekcooper.com Nick's voice in the novel is a dry, cutting counterpoint; the movie subordinates his irony to his angst and his boyish admiration for Gatsby. Margot Harrison-Seven Days Luhrmann and his design/vision soulmate Catherine Martin package all this in oversize gift boxes all superbly ribboned and bowed, but we have to accept that the presents inside are just as valuable and meaningful Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile There's a pulsating hyper reality about the film in which everything is zinging ... emotional cred is wanting but Luhrman's Gatsby overall delivers a feast that is more than enough to satisfy and enthrall Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile Orson Welles had his Citizen Kane. Luhrmann has his Great Gatsby. But, Gatsby is no Kane and Luhrmann doesn't appear to be an Orson. The lesson is that if you're going to make a movie about your hero's emptiness, that will be the nature of the product. Jules Brenner-Cinema Signals If I hear someone say "Old sport" one more time I will run them over with my giant yellow convertible. Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press This is another Baz Luhrmann film that fails to engage either the heart or the mind. Shaun Munro-Film School Rejects Why didn't the maestro didn't just go the whole hog and rename it "Jazz Hands: A Love Story"? A bottle of your best champagne says he thought about it. Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray This is an interpretation of Gatsby (minor spoiler alert) that revels in the idea of Gatsby and Daisy as two psychopaths (or at least social sociopaths), lovers whose disregard for others, as they pursue their own twisted desires, is bonkers. CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia) It is the sheer size, overstatement and noise, both visually and aurally, that sinks Luhrmann's picture. Philip French-Observer [UK] Baz Luhrmann's bastardization of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel is a travesty. The film represents a sin against cinema and literature of cataclysmic proportions. Cole Smithey-ColeSmithey.com too much for its own good, drowning its best intentions in stylistic overkill James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk | |
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