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Story Line For Only God Forgives | |
Total Vote User Only God Forgives : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Only God Forgives : % | |
User Ranting Only God Forgives : | |
User Count Like for Only God Forgives : 8,580 | |
All Critics Count For Only God Forgives : 26 | |
All Critics Percentage For Only God Forgives : 42 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Only God Forgives : 5.9 | |
Actors For Only God Forgives | |
Ryan Gosling,Kristin Scott Thomas,Vithaya Pansringarm,Tom Burke,Gordon Brown,Sahajak Boonthanakit,Yayaying,Byron Gibson | |
Only God Forgives Movie Review: | |
The film succeeds to some extent as a pure stylistic exercise, with a few fine Lynchian moments blurring reality with erotic and violent fantasies. Jon Frosch-The Atlantic It's a genre picture with an art-housey structure, an instance of Refn and the normally phenomenal Gosling trying too hard to make an ultra-violent movie that's also, you know, tasteful. Stephanie Zacharek-Village Voice Refn clearly thinks he's saying something profound with this laboriously overproduced dross, and I'm content to let him go on thinking. Keith Uhlich-Time Out New York There's an old expression in musical theater - you don't leave humming the lights. Jordan Hoffman-Film.com The collision of violent spasms and art-film ennui leave the viewer's brain bloody but unfilled. Richard Corliss-TIME Magazine Only God Forgives makes Drive look like Cannonball Run by comparison. Stephen Lambrechts-Neon Maniacs A visceral fever dream that's both entrancing and horrifying Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie ... this is the greatest specific [David] Lynch impersonation I've ever seen Luke Y. Thompson-Topless Robot The excessive violence which is presented here feels especially shallow, with the films suffocating atmosphere and one note characters robbing these acts of butchery of much needed emotion. Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews By embellishing low art in high art surrounds, Refn is challenging ideas of context and consumption, a sick twist on Warhol's placement of a soup can in an art gallery. Luke Buckmaster-Crikey Only God Forgives may not be as accessible as Drive but it's fabulous in every sense of the word. Tara Brady-Irish Times And maybe God does forgive Nicolas Winding Refn for this error of judgment of a film, but the Cannes festival audiences didn't Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile The lack of connection to any character is an emotional roadblock and the cumulative callousness of the film retches onscreen in an ugly graphic display of senselessness Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile As significant to Refn's previous successes the technical achievements are, they alone do not make a movie. You need something to hang your hat on, more tangible than light and sound and that vague feeling of cool. Simon Miraudo-Quickflix Gosling plays it cool, maybe too much so. He's on no-emote control ... Though morally and emotionally superficial, the film mesmerizes visually Kent Turner-Film-Forward.com The story, such as it is, sits at the intersection of vice and virtue, and explores the consequences of terrible parenting. Fiona Williams-sbs.com.au There's plenty of ravishing cinema in Only God Forgives, but almost nothing of real life. Tim Grierson-Paste Magazine Simply, without a brand name like Refn's at the helm, there's no way this project would be In Competition at Cannes, nor would it have attracted its talented stars, nor even found its way out of your local bargain bin. Shaun Munro-Film School Rejects We got Refned. Fred Topel-CraveOnline A very strange movie indeed, equipped with a script that would hardly fill four or five pages, and characters who move slowly back and forth when they are not staring at each other. Derek Malcolm-This is London Only God Forgives delivers what we might have thought we wanted but with diminishing returns: Refn's trademark visual style is indulged to a dizzying degree but is unmoored, lacking any kind of satisfying or coherent narrative throughline. Jessica Kiang-The Playlist Only God Forgives is actually a pretty drudging affair and even at just ninety minutes it really drags. Craig Skinner-HeyUGuys | |
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