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Story Line For Gwoemul (The Host) | |
Total Vote User Gwoemul (The Host) : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Gwoemul (The Host) : 69 % | |
User Ranting Gwoemul (The Host) : 3.4 | |
User Count Like for Gwoemul (The Host) : 173,614 | |
All Critics Count For Gwoemul (The Host) : 148 | |
All Critics Percentage For Gwoemul (The Host) : 93 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Gwoemul (The Host) : 7.7 | |
Actors For Gwoemul (The Host) | |
Song Kang-ho,Byun Hee-bong,Park Hae-il,Du-na Bae,Ko A-sung,Lee Dong-ho,Jae-eung Lee,Yun Je-mun,Kim Roi-Ha,Park Noh-shik,Pil-Sung Yim,Scott Wilson | |
Gwoemul (The Host) Movie Review: | |
As ebullient and bizarre as a monster that can do back flips, leaving the viewer in a shock of delight. Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail A horror thriller, a political satire, a dysfunctional family comedy, and a touching melodrama, Bong Joon-ho's The Host is also one helluva monster movie. Jim Emerson-Chicago Sun-Times Bravely shifting tones from the horrific to the slapstick and back again, Bong Joon-ho has made a movie that's comprised almost equally of family sitcom, political indictment, high-urban paranoia and maximum-geek, monster-movie delight. Geoff Pevere-Toronto Star Rarely plays out the way you expect. Director Bong is careful to deliver the promised scares, but he is also willing to overlook plot formulas to explore his own interests. Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald Maybe this is actually a treatise on the dissonance between East and West, science and nature, promise and tragedy. Nah. It's just a dumb, crappy horror movie that wants to be celebrated as such. Tom Long-Detroit News The film's limber and inventive director Joon-ho Bong keeps The Host creeping and leaping for its entire two hours, which are filled with incident after incident, alternately terrifying, ridiculous, suspenseful and wry. Terry Lawson-Detroit Free Press Joon-ho Bong's The Host is a very different kettle of mutated fish. Luke Goodsell-Empire Magazine Australasia A livid bureaucratic satire, berserk creature feature and surprisingly somber drama, "The Host" is a convulsive, wild ride - simultaneously eliciting squirms and giggles by mashing up finger-pointing anger with "The Thing's" wiseass wickedness. Nick Rogers-Suite101.com A pleasant reminder of the pleasures in the low-budget quickly made monster B-film of the 1950s. Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews A subversive blast Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion South Korean creature feature is wild and witty. Cynthia Fuchs-Common Sense Media This monster movie from the Republic of Korea is one of the best films of its kind. Steve Biodrowski-ESplatter Minor flaws in a film destined to be embraced by genre fans worldwide. Geoff Berkshire-Metromix.com A fantastic satire/monster movie Stefan Birgir Stefansson-sbs.is Imagine Little Miss Sunshine and Alien mixed together and you'll have an inkling of what South Korea's The Host has in store for you. Beth Accomando-KPBS.org Ako se zanemari politi%u010Dka pozadina, "Doma%u0107in" funkcionira kao vrlo dobar akcijski horor. Dragan Antulov-Index.hr A rather tender-hearted, often sorrowful, more often hilarious view on the familial conflicts between generations and between siblings. Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy Joon-ho Bong effectue un pied de nez pour le moins renversant à une formule attribuant ordinairement une force psychologique surhumaine à ses protagonistes Jean-François Vandeuren-Panorama Think Godzilla, but with better special effects and better all-around filmmaking Marty Mapes-Movie Habit | |
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