Watch Turbo Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Turbo | |
Total Vote User Turbo : Visitor | |
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User Count Like for Turbo : 17,785 | |
All Critics Count For Turbo : | |
All Critics Percentage For Turbo : % | |
All Critics Ranting For Turbo : | |
Actors For Turbo | |
Ryan Reynolds,Paul Giamatti,Michael Peña,Luis Guzman,Bill Hader,Richard Jenkins,Ken Jeong,Michelle Rodriguez,Maya Rudolph,Ben Schwartz,Kurtwood Smith,Snoop Dogg,Samuel L. Jackson | |
Turbo Movie Review: | |
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Watch The Guys Who Move Furniture Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For The Guys Who Move Furniture | |
Total Vote User The Guys Who Move Furniture : Visitor | |
User Percentage For The Guys Who Move Furniture : % | |
User Ranting The Guys Who Move Furniture : | |
User Count Like for The Guys Who Move Furniture : 42 | |
All Critics Count For The Guys Who Move Furniture : | |
All Critics Percentage For The Guys Who Move Furniture : % | |
All Critics Ranting For The Guys Who Move Furniture : | |
Actors For The Guys Who Move Furniture | |
Gabriel Hogan,Will Sasso,Victor Garber | |
The Guys Who Move Furniture Movie Review: | |
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Watch The Shine of Day Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For The Shine of Day | |
Total Vote User The Shine of Day : Visitor | |
User Percentage For The Shine of Day : % | |
User Ranting The Shine of Day : | |
User Count Like for The Shine of Day : 15 | |
All Critics Count For The Shine of Day : 1 | |
All Critics Percentage For The Shine of Day : 1 % | |
All Critics Ranting For The Shine of Day : | |
Actors For The Shine of Day | |
Philipp Hochmair,Walter Saabel,Vitali Leonti | |
The Shine of Day Movie Review: | |
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Watch How High Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For How High | |
Total Vote User How High : Visitor | |
User Percentage For How High : 78 % | |
User Ranting How High : 3.5 | |
User Count Like for How High : 65,557 | |
All Critics Count For How High : 56 | |
All Critics Percentage For How High : 27 % | |
All Critics Ranting For How High : 3.8 | |
Actors For How High | |
Method Man,Redman,Obba Babatundé,Mike Epps,Anna Maria Horsford,Fred Willard,Jeffrey Jones,Hector Elizondo,Lark Voorhies,Alan Shearer,Chuck Davis,Essence Atkins,Chris Elwood,T.J. Thyne,Justin Urich,Trieu Tran,Tracey Walter,Spalding Gray,Al Shearer,Tracy Morgan | |
How High Movie Review: | |
Despite the comedy's reliance on drug humor, first-time director Jesse Dylan is actually less interested in getting high than in seeing how low he can go. Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post Maintains a consistent level of a swaggering, semi-anarchic silliness reminiscent of '70s youth-skewing comedies. Joe Leydon-Variety Too lazy to be a comedy, too conventional to be a head movie. Jessica Winter-Village Voice Features a fine mix of several generations of comic talent plus a terrific soundtrack from its stars. Kevin Thomas-Los Angeles Times How High doesn't look like a movie somebody made. It looks like a movie somebody hallucinated and put up on the screen. Bob Graham-San Francisco Chronicle Sample what you want. Doze through the rest. Gene Seymour-Newsday The jokes aren't funny, the characters aren't fully developed and poor editing only makes a humorless story confusing. Heather Wadowski-Film Threat Silly, sloppy, and liberated from any sense of pacing or plot James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk Sinfully tasteless cinema was everywhere in 2001 - but this movie is so bad it's Freudian. Jonathan R. Perry-Tyler Morning Telegraph (Texas) As it stands, a movie like How High does nothing more than perpetuate the belief that marijuana is enjoyed solely by idiots. Scott Weinberg-Apollo Guide Not all the gags work, not all the gross-outs serve the greater good, but How High is funny, quick, and the very definition of a pleasant surprise. Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central You've seen it before. Ellen Kim-Seattle Post-Intelligencer This is one clumsy cannabis comedy that couldn't give the late Timothy Leary a natural high worth experiencing! Nip this "joint" session in the bud! Frank Ochieng-Movie Eye Can they go any lower? Kamal 'The Diva' Larsuel-3BlackChicks Review For better or for worse, How High knows what its audience wants and serves it to them, straight up, without any sort of moral or ethical chaser. Adam Nayman-eye WEEKLY Less outrageous than simply desperate. Michael Feebly crafted in virtually every way imaginable -- directing, cinematography, acting, scriptwriting. Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle The proceedings aren't quite as annoying as expected, but it has been sloppily made, and feels about twice as long as its 91 minutes. Dustin Its unremitting coarseness and utterly amoral attitude will be excruciating for most viewers to sit through. Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion A bad Saturday Night Live skit blown up to feature length that will make some viewers long for the far funnier days of Cheech and Chong back in their day. Jim Judy-Screen It! How High isn't just the title of this new ganja comedy, it's a question of how chemically altered you should be before you walk into the theater. Tor | |
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Watch Terms And Conditions May Apply Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Terms And Conditions May Apply | |
Total Vote User Terms And Conditions May Apply : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Terms And Conditions May Apply : % | |
User Ranting Terms And Conditions May Apply : | |
User Count Like for Terms And Conditions May Apply : 56 | |
All Critics Count For Terms And Conditions May Apply : 1 | |
All Critics Percentage For Terms And Conditions May Apply : 1 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Terms And Conditions May Apply : | |
Actors For Terms And Conditions May Apply | |
Margaret Atwood,Orson Scott Card,Ray Kurzweil,Douglas Rushkoff,Moby,Eli Pariser,Mark Zuckerberg | |
Terms And Conditions May Apply Movie Review: | |
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Watch The Hot Flashes Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For The Hot Flashes | |
Total Vote User The Hot Flashes : Visitor | |
User Percentage For The Hot Flashes : % | |
User Ranting The Hot Flashes : | |
User Count Like for The Hot Flashes : 88 | |
All Critics Count For The Hot Flashes : 2 | |
All Critics Percentage For The Hot Flashes : 2 % | |
All Critics Ranting For The Hot Flashes : | |
Actors For The Hot Flashes | |
Brooke Shields,Daryl Hannah,Virginia Madsen,Camryn Manheim,Wanda Sykes,Eric Roberts,Mark Povinelli,Andrea Frankle,Gary Grubbs | |
The Hot Flashes Movie Review: | |
Women with balls. Feisty older actresses with attitude, including Brooke Shields, Daryl Hannah, Virginia Madsen and Wanda Sykes, not into being sidelined because of age, on the basketball court or on screen. Prairie Miller-WBAI Radio | |
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Watch Pawn Shop Chronicles Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Pawn Shop Chronicles | |
Total Vote User Pawn Shop Chronicles : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Pawn Shop Chronicles : % | |
User Ranting Pawn Shop Chronicles : | |
User Count Like for Pawn Shop Chronicles : 89 | |
All Critics Count For Pawn Shop Chronicles : | |
All Critics Percentage For Pawn Shop Chronicles : % | |
All Critics Ranting For Pawn Shop Chronicles : | |
Actors For Pawn Shop Chronicles | |
Elijah Wood,Norman Reedus,Paul Walker,Brendan Fraser,Vincent D'Onofrio,Thomas Jane | |
Pawn Shop Chronicles Movie Review: | |
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Watch Killing Season Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Killing Season | |
Total Vote User Killing Season : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Killing Season : % | |
User Ranting Killing Season : | |
User Count Like for Killing Season : 117 | |
All Critics Count For Killing Season : | |
All Critics Percentage For Killing Season : % | |
All Critics Ranting For Killing Season : | |
Actors For Killing Season | |
Robert De Niro,John Travolta,Milo Ventimiglia,Elizabeth Olin | |
Killing Season Movie Review: | |
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Watch Still Mine Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Still Mine | |
Total Vote User Still Mine : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Still Mine : % | |
User Ranting Still Mine : | |
User Count Like for Still Mine : 750 | |
All Critics Count For Still Mine : 8 | |
All Critics Percentage For Still Mine : 100 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Still Mine : 7.4 | |
Actors For Still Mine | |
James Cromwell,Geneviève Bujold,Rick Roberts,Julie Stewart,Campbell Scott,Jonathan Potts,George R. Robertson,Ronan Rees,Zachary Bennett,Chuck Shamata,Hawksley Workman,Joe Pingue,Barbara Gordon,Lewis Hodgson,Kristin Shepherd,Chris Farquhar,Verlyn Plowman,Ray Landry | |
Still Mine Movie Review: | |
Still Mine is a measured but considerably moving celebration of things hand-crafted, traditional and built to last. Geoff Pevere-Globe and Mail Quietly observes a love tested by infirmity and bureaucracy, becoming all the stronger for it. Peter Howell-Toronto Star A movingly-acted tale of undying devotion and encroaching mortality. Aaron It's a measured, heart-felt piece...that warmly invites you to wonder over how richly symbolic the building of a house in a movie can be. Jim Schembri-3AW And while there are suggestions that it might get into darker territory, like Sarah Polley's Away From Her, this is more about how hard it can be to love someone for such a long time - and what it's like to be as stubborn as a damn mule. David 'Mad Dog' Bradley-Rip It Up A David and Goliath story of the geriatric set, Still Mine is a sentimental but thanks to James Cromwell's performance an engaging story of love, devotion and determination Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile Still Mine will leave viewers with a lump in the throat and a hopeful determination to face administrative adversity with as much stoicism and grace. Chris Knight-National Post Slow and meticulously crafted, Still Mine wins points for finding the right pace to play out this story of old traditions versus new rules, youth versus decrepitude, and loving denial versus responsible acceptance. Katherine | |
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Watch Crystal Fairy Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Crystal Fairy | |
Total Vote User Crystal Fairy : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Crystal Fairy : % | |
User Ranting Crystal Fairy : | |
User Count Like for Crystal Fairy : 643 | |
All Critics Count For Crystal Fairy : 8 | |
All Critics Percentage For Crystal Fairy : 63 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Crystal Fairy : 6.2 | |
Actors For Crystal Fairy | |
Michael Cera,Gaby Hoffmann,Juan Andrés Silva,José Miguel Silva,Agustín Silva | |
Crystal Fairy Movie Review: | |
an unusually insightful look at self-imposed false identities and group dynamics Jordan There's so much baggage involved in the kind of dilettantish games Jamie and Crystal are playing that it's a shame that the film never fully engages with these enticing issues. Jesse Cataldo-Slant Magazine The movie actually plays not unlike the all-night hallucinatory drug experience that its characters seek - there are some ups and downs but the crash comes long before the sun comes up. Brian Tallerico-Film Threat Stoner arthouse, if you will. Fred The sparse plot nonetheless provides opportunities for a little self-reflection and some original, dark humor, making the druggy affair a worthwhile trip to the theater. Josh Jackson-Paste Magazine Whether Crystal Fairy will play well to those who aren't familiar with drugs or drug culture remains to be seen. I can say though that I absolutely loved this film and would highly recommend you give it a shot. Ty Cooper-HeyUGuys Uneven- but often hilarious. Gaby Hoffman is terrific. Chris Bumbray-JoBlo's Movie Emporium Crystal Fairy is an acid trip where the frequent bonhomie is doused by sobering introspection. Jeremy Kay-Guardian [UK] | |
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Watch Blackfish Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Blackfish | |
Total Vote User Blackfish : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Blackfish : % | |
User Ranting Blackfish : | |
User Count Like for Blackfish : 976 | |
All Critics Count For Blackfish : 2 | |
All Critics Percentage For Blackfish : 2 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Blackfish : | |
Actors For Blackfish | |
Blackfish Movie Review: | |
The impression the film leaves is of a deep-pocketed institution that, for all its claims of humane and professional treatment, tolerates practices that are fundamentally at odds with the animals' well-being ... Justin Chang-Variety Tilikum, whose last victim Dawn Brancheau died in 2010, is still performing at SeaWorld - after watching this documentary, you'll think long and hard about taking your family to see him. Amber Wilkinson-Eye for Film | |
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Watch Fruitvale Station Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For Fruitvale Station | |
Total Vote User Fruitvale Station : Visitor | |
User Percentage For Fruitvale Station : % | |
User Ranting Fruitvale Station : | |
User Count Like for Fruitvale Station : 1,627 | |
All Critics Count For Fruitvale Station : 10 | |
All Critics Percentage For Fruitvale Station : 90 % | |
All Critics Ranting For Fruitvale Station : 8 | |
Actors For Fruitvale Station | |
Michael B. Jordan,Octavia L. Spencer,Melonie Diaz,Kevin Durand,Ahna O'Reilly,Chad Michael Murray,Ariana Neal,Keenan Coogler,Trestin George,Joey Oglesby,Michael James,Marjorie Shears,Destiny Ekweume,Bianca Rodriguez,Julian Keyes,Kenny Griffin,Thomas Wright,Jemal McNeil,Steven Craig Johnson,Alejandra Nolasco | |
Fruitvale Station Movie Review: | |
Even if every word of Coogler's account of the last day in Grant's life held up under close scrutiny, the film would still ring false in its relentlessly positive portrayal of its subject. Geoff Berkshire-Variety A shrewd script and career-launching performances drive a tragic modern story that carries heavy social weight. Todd McCarthy-Hollywood Reporter If you aren't choked up at the end, you may have some kind of problem. Jordan Hoffman-ScreenCrush An exceptional dramatic feature propelled by strong performances across the board. Shaun Munro-Film School Rejects Fruitvale Station, is impressive for a debut, and displays the unimpeachable intent to involve us all in the human story behind a headline. And it certainly displays great promise from its director and accomplished performances from its cast. Jessica Kiang-The Playlist One has the sense of a man being slowly, surely written back into being. Xan Brooks-Guardian [UK] Michael Jordan's Grant is remarkably sympathetic, and his story develops in a way that adds an awful note to the opening scene, as the arc creeps slowly and painfully towards the final, fatal moment. Simon Gallagher-What Culture With a sympathetic and not too heavy hand, Fruitvale Station takes its audience through the constant challenges to black family life - poverty, debt, crime, and the prospect that an encounter with the police can have deadly consequences. David D'Arcy-Screen International A viewer may have a heavy heart in wondering precisely just what was fact and what was fiction but there is little doubt at how emotionally effective Coogler's version of the story actually is. Erik Childress-Film Threat If you leave the film with dry eyes, you're a hell of a lot stronger than me, or than anyone in the Eccles theater the night I saw the film. Michael Dunaway-Paste Magazine | |
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Watch V/H/S/2 Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For V/H/S/2 | |
Total Vote User V/H/S/2 : Visitor | |
User Percentage For V/H/S/2 : % | |
User Ranting V/H/S/2 : | |
User Count Like for V/H/S/2 : 2,537 | |
All Critics Count For V/H/S/2 : 24 | |
All Critics Percentage For V/H/S/2 : 88 % | |
All Critics Ranting For V/H/S/2 : 6.9 | |
Actors For V/H/S/2 | |
Adam Wingard,Lawrence Michael Levine,L.C. Holt,Kelsy Abbott,Hannah Hughes,Hannah Al Rashid,Devon Brookshire,Samantha Gracie,Jay Saunders,Epy Kusnandar | |
V/H/S/2 Movie Review: | |
Just imagine the kind of anthology that might yet be born should all involved be held to the evident highlights of these films so far. William Goss-MSN Movies what S-VHS lacks in true pyloric valve-loosening fear, it makes up for with some other three letter combos: WTF and LOL. Jordan Less turns out to be much more for S-VHS, a sequel to last year's uneven indie horror omnibus V/H/S; this one is shorter and has fewer segments, but also earns a much higher batting average. Dennis Harvey-Variety Hardcore horror junkies will get their fix; non-addicts will enjoy a hit or two but lament not getting a sustained high. Steve Biodrowski-Cinefantastique Its work to course-correct the franchise rewards with a tighter, more adventuresome sequel, smartly using hindsight to build a consistent odyssey of voyeuristic brutality. Brian Its seven directors surpass the imagination and intensity of those in the original V/H/S, reiterating the format's importance as both a showcase for interstitial creativity between feature-length projects and a testing ground for future ones. Todd Consistently surprising with stylistic ingenuity and storytelling elegance. Never afraid to journey into the blackest of hearts, the filmmakers involved in "V/H/S/2" have given the project their best shot, and it shows. Dustin If three of the stories had been decent, I probably could have let it slide, and indeed about halfway through the film, I was surprised to find myself enjoying it. Then the second half hits and the film slides into mediocrity. Jeff It's a 50/50 split as two of the shorts are great and two... well, not so much. Ethan Alter-Television Without Pity A fantastic sequel that will satisfy the appetites of horror fans who enjoyed the first outing. Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed Last year's anthology horror production "V/H/S" was a revelation mainly because it took the overly familiar found-footage genre and exploited it to the fullest extent. The sequel, "V/H/S 2," achieves a similar goal with more frightening extremes Eric Kohn-indieWIRE A couple of these shorts are good enough to become features. Roger Moore-Movie Nation V/H/S/2 is a consistently terrific genre omnibus, and an excellent example of a goofy gimmick seemingly past its cinematic sell date. Bill Gibron-PopMatters A derivative horror film with dizzying camerawork and virtually no plot or character development. Harvey S. Karten-Compuserve V/H/S/2 is V/H/S on mega-steroids, but Gareth Evans and Timo Tjahjanto easily steal the show with their segment "Safe Haven" - which will undoubtedly be one of the strongest horror entries in 2013. Matt Donato-We Got This Covered The wraparound hour may not be very good, but those middle 40 minutes are a lot of fun. Erik A welcome contrast to the first film's snuff-y atmosphere and general mean-spiritedness, featuring more humor, fewer hateful characters, and occasional twinges of relatable human emotion. Abhimanyu Das-Slant Magazine If it's not great V/H/S/2 is still a vast improvement over the first; brutal and efficient and immensely entertaining. Joshua Sequel or not, this is a fantastic foursome of horror shorts -- and yes, the wrap-around stuff is better this time. Scott Weinberg-FEARnet A fine string of scary installments that makes the original V/H/S, even its better entries, pale in comparison. William Bibbiani-CraveOnline Bloodier, more intense, and on the whole more effective than its predecessor. Tim Grierson-Screen International | |
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Watch The Hunt Movie Online Streaming Megavideo
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Story Line For The Hunt | |
Total Vote User The Hunt : Visitor | |
User Percentage For The Hunt : % | |
User Ranting The Hunt : | |
User Count Like for The Hunt : 3,367 | |
All Critics Count For The Hunt : 46 | |
All Critics Percentage For The Hunt : 91 % | |
All Critics Ranting For The Hunt : 7.8 | |
Actors For The Hunt | |
Mads Mikkelsen,Susse Wold,Thomas Bo Larsen,Lars Ranthe,Anne Louise Hassing | |
The Hunt Movie Review: | |
Known for his often icy and violent characters, Mikkelsen impresses here as a warm-hearted man who finds himself caught up in a situation way beyond his control. Boyd van Hoeij-Variety Thomas Vinterberg's best film since "Festen" is an unsettling psychological drama built around a harrowing performance from Mads Mikkelsen. David Rooney-Hollywood Reporter What a knotty, frighteningly real drama 'The Hunt' is. Cath Clarke-Time Out A taut story of a man whose career is ruined because of a 5-year-old girl's false accusation of molestation. Harvey S. Karten-Compuserve Has a wonderfully sly sense of understatement. Matt Often painful, but always riveting Dan Jardine-Cinemania The story is as chilling as the snow-dusted Christmas-time setting; it is measured, non-sensational and takes a sobering, slow-burn look at the way people behave when their common sense is replaced by hysteria. Jim Schembri-3AW Mads Mikkelsen is perfectly cast as a man unfairly accused of child abuse in writer/director Thomas Vinterberg's cautionary tale about small town mob justice. But like the film, there is something cold and clinical about it. Luke Buckmaster-Crikey ...watching an intelligent discourse on such a tricky subject makes for engrossing drama, even if it comes at the expense of our protagonist: a good man stranded in the void between moral panic and due process. Adam Ross-The Aristocrat The Hunt is a confronting and fascinating work of cinema. Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy This is unshakeable storytelling, which is fitting for a film that reveals how certain damage can never be undone. Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia) A superb performance from Madds Mikkelsen lies at the heart of this chilling tale of a small Danish community turning on an innocent man. Simon Weaving-Screenwize To call The Hunt gripping would be like calling Annie Hall funny. It is, but it's also so much more than that. CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia) Nuanced but robust, the screenplay is a masterclass in exposition, drama, character portraiture - and cinema. It is also a vivid warning to society that yes, 'thought is a virus' that can maim and even kill Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile Mikkelsen delivers yet another superlative performance ... The film builds to a stunning crescendo, playing out in the candle-lit church on Christmas Eve with heartbreaking conviction. But there is more to come, in a chilling postscript Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile Its genius is the way that it uses the most horrendous of subject matters to explore the gravest issues of trust. Graham Young-Birmingham Mail This is a deeply intelligent, profoundly moving and often harrowing illustration of why reports of - and investigations into - sex abuse, need to be handled with the sort of care afforded to genuine victims. Graham Young-Birmingham Post Humans do terrible things to one another. In The Hunt, Vinterberg believes we can do right too. Simon Miraudo-Quickflix Immensely powerful in its invocation of the true meaning of Christian charity and its symbolism. Philip French-Observer [UK] The Hunt is a terrifying film, anchored by Mikkelsen's poignantly poised turn and saturated with uncomfortable truths about society, childhood and our susceptibility to mass hysteria. Emma Dibdin-Digital Spy The last moments of the film elicited gasps from several people in the audience. Ian Gilchrist-HeyUGuys Mads Mikkelsen is fantastic as the bewildered and honourable Lucas, while the rest of the main cast are equally believable. Grant Rollings-Sun Online A timely and intelligent reminder of the dangers of public hysteria. Damon Wise-Radio Times | |
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Movie Review: | |
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